Friday, April 24, 2020

Spring Walks 24/4/2020

Up and out early this morning, it was very chilly, with a slight frost in some spots but it soon got warm as the sun got up. Disposal point was looking particularly well.

Most of our migrant warblers have now arrived and I was lucky to get a nice shot of a common whitethroat at disposal point today.

We also have a very showy male cettis warbler at Wintersett res, its been showy for a number of years which is quite unusual for this species which tends to be quite skulky.

this morning was perfect to get a few shots and I managed to get the light just perfect.

on another not I mentioned I took out the leaf cutter cigars from the bee hotel and placed them in a tub, I went to check on them today was was shocked at how sweet they smell when you lift the lid, it must be the pollen food they leave in the egg for the larvae then they hatch. No sign of hatching yet though, I guess that will be end of May.

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