Saturday, May 23, 2020

Swift update 22nd May 2020

So my swift in box 3 was joined by its mate on Thursday 21st May 2020. The first bird entered at 20:20 pm and the second at 21:40 when it was almost dark. Luckily I was in bed with the window open and I could hear all the excitement on screams for 15 mins after it entered. 

In box 2 (the box that bread last year) , I was lucky last night 22nd May 2020 to be watering my tomato plants I have growing on the window ledge when a bird flew in to box 2. It was clearly not put off by be standing literally 1 foot from the box window in the house. 

The weather for swift watching hasn’t been good for the past couple of days , windy, mild though with no rain. But the swift have been busy feeding with thousands at Wintersett low over the lake this afternoon. 

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